New Year's 2005 Resolutions

NOTE FROM ANIA: please email me with corrections and comments. This is only a draft. Repeat, this is only a draft.

Aaron: (Happy Thought: received "careful work" feedback from profs this year)
- quit job and move
- make a trip to Europe
- get in shape
- learn something new
- Lee: go to L.A. and become an actor
- Stephanie: go on no-name gameshows in Southern California
- Delilah: try out for an acting job

Jon: (Happy Thought: have new apartment with Ania, and a four-day week which gives him the chance to focus more on his own projects)
- condition hair more
- practice judo or other martial art once a week
- rock climbing once a week
- have an income-producing product by the end of the year
- learn more Polish
- Lee: shave your hair (to donate)
- Katherine: take a dance class
- Mina: write for

Katherine: (Happy Thought: successfully finished her documentary)
- create NPR-style clips on non-profit causes
- read more moral philosophy
- Stephanie: political philosophy suggestions, John Rawls, "Culture and Practical Reason"
- Lee: Theory of Moral Sentiments
- Lee and Steph: Anarchy State and Utopia, Robert Nozick
- Steph: write about something from your travels / get published

Ricky: (Happy Thought: been going to gym for 3 months, joined one of Boston's gay groups)
- start becoming interesting again
- wake up before 7 AM for gym
- Great Philosophers: read and think about what it is to be an adult
- private sex life resolutions
- Aaron: turgid phallus
- Steph: join a musical enterprise involving other people
- Lee and Ania: go to talks/classes to meet other people

Lee: (Happy Thought: went to Europe for three months)
- run the beta breakers marathon (7 miles) (group: avoid bleeding nipples)
- leave Palo Alto for Cambridge, New York, or other
- get funding to go to London over the summer
- write 2 or 3 short stories, with 1 sold
- Steph (and Aaron, and group): take a dance (partner) class in London
- Jon: take swing class and spend less money on Starbucks
- Mina: learn foreign language
- Katherine: send out one story to 15 (at least) places
- Stephanie: get really good at Spanish, start French, and buy or find an intro to Economics text
- yourfriendlyscribe_Ania: getting very drunk at this point, and is gazing at Lee's hair
- Delilah: "we love your hair"

Mina: (Happy Thought: relationship is developing well; in the career sphere, she is interested in writing about film)
- become an independent film critic or reviewing films in some capacity and being paid for it
- write a little bit every day, creative and freelance
- Lee: get a writing buddy and meet regularly
- Katherine: camera a short documentary on a topic (Aaron seconds)
- Ian: write a bad movie review; be blurbed on a movie poster
- Steph: something spontaneous and novel, get published
- Jon: publish on e-media

Stephanie: (Happy Thought: Ghana! Steph "f***ing loves Africa")
- acquire funding for her year off
- become a competant physician
- get her paper done: on the social contract inherent in becoming a physician, as part of a civil society; her partner is reviewing the economic angle; hope to have this published by her residency
- Jon: combine some of professional life with fun life
- Mina: audition for a musical
- Ania: apologizes in the present day for the alcoholic mess her notes became at this point; basks in the after-glow of Steph's amazingness, as reflected off the mangled comment-card from the Rodeway Inn, and wonders whether Statisticians talk about their implicit social contracts; but... I digress...

Ania: (Happy Thought: "I am very very drunk and Jon stole my happiest thought anyway..." and that she appears to be on some sort of track again, exploring her interests in a concrete fashion via college and grad-level classes at Harvard (*cough* Extensionschool *cough*)... yes, HAAAAVAAAAD (*cough*))
- floss
- read at least one new book each month that is not school-related
- get back to the gym
- send Lee an espresso maker so he can quit giving Starbucks so much money
- stay in better touch with people
- Steph: do something (anything) musical again
- Lee, Steph, and Aaron: 50% fewer self-deprecating statements
- Ricky: Stress less about work

Ian: (Happy Thought: has been a reporter for a daily newspaper for five months, and has moved out of Mom's house)
- floss (Ania: thief)
- quit smoking
- weigh 210 lbs
- get completely financially independent from parents
- work: continue to improve his reputation in Keene (unless Ania has the place name wrong)
- have a relationship lasting more than one month OR date 3 different women
- Katherine: at some point attempt to get onto the radio, audition, take a class
- Delilah: agrees that Ian has a radio-worthy voice
- Mina: do stand-up somewhere
- Jon: write a personal narrative
- Mina: offers to send out Ian's work for publishing
- Lee: write a short story by the end of the year
- Delilah: everyone gives various advice about quitting smoking